Our services to obtain CE marking:

  • Consultation with regards to CE marking reception, explanations with instructions etc.;
  • CE audits and tests;
  • Risk analysis and assessment;
  • Assessment of the technical file application;
  • Technical product documentation preparation;
  • Accompaniment of the CE certification procedure with issuance of the CE certificates for “turn-key”;
  • Organization of an authorized representative office in countries of European Community (EU).

Presence of the CE mark on products is a necessary criterion for a free circulation of goods within the European Community Countries (EU) and becomes desired for most countries of Asia, North and Ibero-Americas and some former republics of the USSR.

In other words, it is referred not only to those products that are produced in Europe, but also to those which are imported from abroad.
Products can be assigned with the CE marking only after carrying out certification procedure (a confirmation of conformity of goods with the EU directives).

Only European Certification Bodies may carry out these activities.

The producer of a product should do the following actions before getting the right to label products with the CE mark:

  • Check safety of the product and its conformity with the requirements of the EU directives. A risk assessment is held for it.
  • Make a specification of product scope of use.
  • Carry out product testing.
  • Make a marking application (technical file).

SERCONS is ready to assist companies in correct execution of documents, preparation of tests and inspections and accompaniment of a procedure of the CE certification.

Our experts will prepare the required set of documents in accordance with a field of activities of your company and the set of requirements of the Notified Certification Body to receive European Certificate (CE marking).

Much attention is given to preparation for the European certification for compliance with European standards and to results of tests and inspections. However, the attention is primarily given to correct preparation of technical documents that are known as the technical file. An application for the CE certification (technical file) authorizes our company to appraise these products on a compliance with established standards.

European certificate of quality affords an opportunity to label the products with CE Marking, which is a pass for an unrestricted circulation of products on a foreign market.

SERCONS delivers services for CE certification under the following EU directives:

  • Directive 89/106/EEC construction products and building structures (CPD)
  • Directive 73/23 EEC of the electrical equipment designed for use during certain conditions of voltage
  • Directive 94/9 / EC products for usage in explosive mediums (ATEX)
  • Directive 97/23/EC pressure-operated equipment (PED)
  • Directive 93/42/EEC (2007/47/EC) on medical devices (MDD)
  • Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices (AIMDD)
  • Directive 98/79/EC on medical devices of in vitro diagnostic (IVDD)
  • Directive 89/686/EEC personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Directive 2004/22/EC measuring instruments (MID)
  • Directive 2004/108/EC electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Directive 2006/42/EC vehicles and machinery (MD)
  • Directive 2006/95/EC low voltage equipment (LVD)
  • Directive 88/378/EES safety of toys
  • Directive 1999/5/EC on radio facilities and telecommunication terminal equipment (R&TTE)
  • Directive 90/384/EES nonautomatic weighing instruments (NAWI) (93/68/EEC)
  • Directive 92/42/EEC requirements of efficiency for new hot water boilers operating on liquid or gas fuel
  • Directive 95/16/EC lifts and lift gears
  • Directive 2009/105/EC simple pressure vessels (SPVD)
  • Directive 2009/142/EC equipment of gas fuel combustion (appliances burning gaseous fuels)/GAD
  • Directive 94/25/EC on recreational crafts (RCD)